Monday, July 22, 2013

i miss blogging...

i have really been missing this here blog, and finally decided since it has sat empty for a LONG time i would just change the direction of it and go with turning it into my little family blog...the title will only fit for a few more weeks since my little lady will be heading off to sad!
one of my most favorite blogs has a series called blogging with a purpose.  so i thought i would kick off my reblog with linking up with from mrs. to mama.

If I Could be Anything in the World...

Most people have HUGE dreams of what they want to be when they grow up (like my Natalie) but me on the other hand not so much.  From the time I can remember I wanted to be a mom and a teacher which both came true.  I remember even thinking I will probaly just get married right after highschool and have babies...well highschool was almost over and I didn't even have a boyfriend (socially akward) I decided I better make college plans. So I headed off to college where I started to pursue my second dream of teaching.  
Now here I am a mommy to 3 and a preschool teacher, and I wouldn't have it any other way!  

now go link up and share what you would be over at 

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