i got an email last night
"i see you have been ignoring your blog"
in this
post you will find out why my blog is being ignored...
but really its just an excuse
and this parent made me realize with that small comment
i need to suck it up and get back to project!
so today i pre-cut some butterflies
got a collection of odds and ends out
made some glue paint
glue + a little squirt of paint = glue paint!
its a favorite over here, because colored glue is way cooler than white glue!
the kids got busy!
they were happy, excited, saying "this is soo much fun!"
we haven't done a project in forever!
(hang head in shame!)
i forgot that by doig projects,
there is less fighting
more laughter
a little education
makes the day go by faster
breaks the day up!
i forgot that almost 3 year olds use WAY TO MUCH glue
but because they are having so much fun i don't care!
i also forgot how creative these kids are!
im sorry kids that you have been neglected from project time
i will not make promises that i will do it everyday
but i will try to be more consistent!!