
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

pLaYdOuGh you love it or do you hate it


its a mess to clean up
it gets every where
it allows my child to use their imagination
my child is learning and doesn't even know it
my child is making the muscles in their hands stronger for all those other fine motor activities like WRITING
my child is happy
my child is busy

--yes playdough is messy and can be a pain but can we put that aside for all the positivies that come along with it?--
my lists are small, playdough is fun for all ages, and so much can be done with playdough!
From free play, to forming letters out of the playdough!

Again no pics...lazy lady! 

But I do want to share with you my FAVORITE playdough recipie!  Its the best for your basic playdough!

The Best Cooked Play Dough Recipe
This recipe makes long-lasting play dough.
1 cup flour
1 cup water
½ cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
1 tablespoon oil
Food coloring
Mix dry ingredients and mix wet ingredients(i add the food coloring to the oil this will keep from staining hands), then stir together. Stir constantly over medium heat until the ingredients change from a lumpy paste into more of a rubbery blob. The color will also change a bit, turning less pastel: If you use red dye it will become less pink and more red. Turn out onto a working surface and knead the dough. After making the dough store it in zipper-style bag!
I usually have to add a little more flour to it after I take it off the heat...I keep adding until its no longer sticky but just nice and soft!
--if you don't like food coloring you could add a packet of koolaid instead, it will make a great color and smell wonderful (be prepared the kids might try eat it because it smells so good!)

This playdough will last a long time and will get many uses out of it!!

Now go make some playdough so your child can learn!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yaay! I love this play dough! I just made some for Ivy last week- she loves it too! Instead of the food coloring or the Kool-aid, I tried using a 3oz. packet of strawberry gelatin, and it worked super awesome! Very vibrant pink color- and yes, Ivy tried to "just taste it" a few times... We are going to try some other colors soon as well. LOVE your blog, Jill! Keep up the awesome posts- you motivate me with your creativity!
