
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Glue + Watercolor =

A little bit of super fun!!
We haven't painted a whole lot lately and I couldn't remember the last time we did watercolors
Along with this activity we read the book

During their project time I pulled up youtube and we played songs about the fall!
The kids LOVED this!!!!

What you need:
paint, glue, paper, watercolors, and paintbrushes
I choose brown paint to stick with the fallish theme colors!

I just added brown paint to white glue...super easy!  again you can use whatever color you want and this activity can be done for so many different things not jsut a fall/leaf themed activity!

Then make whatever floats your boat that day...
(i would give it at least 8 hours to dry)

i made these while the kids were playing playdough the day before
I also made one that said "FALL"

After it dries, you will be ready to go with some painting!
Here are the kiddos busy being creative!

This activity lasted over an hour.  When the kids were done with their fall themed paper they were given blank pieces of paper and painted and painted while listening to fall songs!

What fall themed projects are you working on?

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