
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Another post of overload of pictures!
today it was HOT!
so what do you do on a HOT day
go swimming at 9am!
i have a collection of pools and a slip n slide and the kids LOVE IT!!
i ALWAYS worry that the older kids get bored and they never seem to!
Enjoy the pictures!

keeping busy

It has been a busy few weeks over here!  
here is a post that is overloaded with pictures!
when you soak crayons in water, the paper comes right off!

then you shave the crayons!

but first make the kids take all the paper off the crayons!
(i think they actually enjoyed this part the most!)

i don't have pictures of them grating the crayons because i needed 
to be there so fingers didn't get grated!

we then ironed the crayons.
and then it was a total flop! :)
but fun was had even though flop!

shaving cream!!!
it NEVER gets old!!!

all ages enjoy this!

its always messy!  
shaving cream is also an easy clean up!

we did some bug stamping!

we did some bead work!

best invention ever!
a whole group of kids, not speaking
not fighting, whining, or crying.

it keeps them busy for over an hour
(especially the older kids)

so sweet, calm, and busy!




Tuesday, June 19, 2012

this is so much fun!!

i got an email last night
"i see you have been ignoring your blog"

in this post you will find out why my blog is being ignored...
but really its just an excuse
and this parent made me realize with that small comment
i need to suck it up and get back to project!

so today i pre-cut some butterflies
 got a collection of odds and ends out
 made some glue paint
glue + a little squirt of paint = glue paint!
its a favorite over here, because colored glue is way cooler than white glue!
 the kids got busy!
they were happy, excited, saying "this is soo much fun!"
we haven't done a project in forever!
(hang head in shame!)
 i forgot that by doig projects, 
there is less fighting
more laughter
a little education
makes the day go by faster
breaks the day up!
 i forgot that almost 3 year olds use WAY TO MUCH glue
but because they are having so much fun i don't care!
 i also forgot how creative these kids are!
im sorry kids that you have been neglected from project time
i will not make promises that i will do it everyday
but i will try to be more consistent!!

the truth...

so other than my excuse of just being to busy
there is a real truthful explanation of why blogging/doing projects
has taken a seat on the back burner...

i can hardly get out of bed in the morning
i can hardly make it to the kitchen to find something to 
stick in my mouth before i get sick
i can hardly make it till naptime where all i want to do 
is nap with the kids,
but can't because during the summer i have more kids
awake than sleeping...
my energy is GONE!

if you haven't guessed yet

the kiddos and i made this little thing to share the news with the daycare families!

pink or blue
i don't know
about you
but i think

baby due Christmas Day!!  

that is my excuse for being lazy!
hope its good enough! :)

also hoping that any day i will bounce back to my old self!!

adventures in the backyard

i know i know
yet again i haven't blogged in forever
and im pretty sure i PROMISED
i would get back into it
but i just have been so busy 
that i haven't had time
or just plain old to lazy!!!

but this is picture overload of what we have been doing 
LOTS of!!

love love love him!!
trying to squirt with his fishy!!
 hanging out in the "warm" pool!!
 checking out the slip-n-slid
 waiting in line for the new slip-n-slide out for toddler!!
 i thought it was called slip-n-slide...whats up with the walking!
her face kills me!!
 what a pro!
 trying out different moves!
 having a blast!
 cooling off in the pool!