
Saturday, February 25, 2012

craft supply list

I have seen lots of supply list for childcare
and honestly a lot of those list overwhelm me
I don't know where I would put all those things if  had them
I like to keep my list simple
and if I have te extra stuff bonus
but I don't NEED those extra things!

craft paint
water paint
finger paint
(there is a difference between craft paint and finger paint)

paint brushes:
--i truly believe you can paint with anything but...
a varity of different sized brushes
(i buy sponges from the dollar store and cut them up)
tooth brushes
--these are the basics, but look around your house you will be AMAZED at what you can find to paint with.  You don't need anything fancy!  Kids just like to explore and discover!--

bottled glue
glue sticks
tacky glue
gorilla glue
(the kids don't use the tacky or gorilla glue but I like to have it on hand)

Construction Paper
Tag board
Tissue paper
printer paper
craft paper/scrapbook paper
contact paper
paper plates

odds and ends:
lids of different sizes
google eyes
foam stickers/pieces
shaving cream
small cups

--I am sure I am forgetting a few of my must haves but I can always add to that later!--

Where do I buy my supplies:
A majority of my supplies come from Hobby Lobby our local craft store
I also buy a lot of my stuff from dollar stores and dollar bins.

To craft with your children should not cost you a lot of money
start with the basics and you ca always add to it as time goes on!

Have fun learning, exploring, and discovering wih your children!

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