
Friday, January 13, 2012

More Mitten Projects

I probably should have just made one big mitten post!  
but I didn't
so you get 2 mitten post, 
and possibly another next week!

Today we worked on lacing
I pre cut some mittens, 
punched some holes

tied a piece of yarn to the mitten
rolled a piece of tape to the end of the yarn for a sturdy "needle"

The kids then "sewed" their mitten
I decided I haven't been doing a good job in this area since the kids really struggled
so this will be a monthly activity!

After we got done "sewing"
we took a short play break and then came back for ROUND 2 of projects!
The kids got to decorate hats (that i free handed)

here are the kids pretending to wear their stocking hats!

here they are decorating them

We then put hand prints on our mittens and I strung them together for a "winter mobile"!

and here you have another mitten post!!

Now that we actually have to wear mittens/gloves
we talk a lot more about it!!

Stay warm!
and Happy Weekend!!

Linking up with Sharing Saturday #2
Linking up with Fun Stuff Fridays
Linking up with The Sunday Showcase


  1. Very cute activity! I need to have my boys lace more crafts too! Thanks for sharing. visiting from Sharing Sat. :)

  2. Love both your mitten posts :)

    Also visiting from Sharing Saturday.

  3. These are adorable!! You always have the best ideas and I think it's neat that parents can see what their kids are doing!

  4. These activities are so great especially for the little ones. Thanks so much for sharing this on Sharing Saturday.


  5. Love the mittens - so cute! I'd love for you to linkup our momstown's winter craft linkup this week -

  6. I love a mitten theme in winter! we did one last year! That mobile is too cute!

    Thanks for sharing on the Sunday Showcase - hope to see you this week.

