
Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Liebster Award

This week I was very surprised that I was given the Liebster award from Playing with Words 365
She has an awesome blog with tons of different ideas!

I felt so honored that I had recieved this award! 
I started this little ol blog so that my daycare parents could get an inside view of what their kids are doing each day while they are at work.  I also wanted to share with my daycare privider friends different ideas for their daycares!  So to recieve this award was soooo awesome!!

Thank you Katie so much for this award!!!

I am now giving this award to
1.Mummy, Musing, and Mayhem
2. Creativity My Passion
3. Mom's Heart
4.Caty's Care
5. Mindy's Daycare

The rules of this Award are as follows:

1. Show your thanks to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to their blog.
2. Nominate five other happy little blogs (200 followers or less) by posting a comment on their blogs.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. And don't forget to check out what the other up-and-coming blogs have to offer.
Thanks again it is an honor!


  1. Thank you! :)


  2. Thank you for passing on the liebster nice of you and i'm really glad you received one!Well deserved indeed! I actually just received one last week but hadn't put the badge up yet but i shall definitley link back to you in my next post anyway!!!Merry Christmas!!!
